Lecture 1: Randomize
Topics: randomized linear algebra, dimension reduction, and data visualization.
Lecture 2: Resample
Topics: computer age inference, simulation-based and resampling method.
Lecture 3: What If
Topics: causal inference in theory and practice, causal structural models, do-calculus, adjustments formula using supervised learning.
Lecture 4: No Regret
Topics: online algorithms and optimization, sequential investments, universal portfolios.
Lecture 5: Explore vs. Exploit I
Topics: sequential decision making, dynamic programming and its approximations, and reinforcement learning techniques including Q-learning and policy gradients.
Lecture 6: Explore vs. Exploit II
Topics: stochastic and adversarial bandits, upper confidence bound algorithm, explore-then-commit algorithm, exponential weight for exploration and exploitation algorithm.
Lecture 7: Diffuse then Denoise
Topics: probabilistic generative modeling, score matching, neural empirical Bayes.